It is not news that I had a c-section. I didn't know what to really expect after a c-section in Nigeria but only thing I read being talked about by other Mums online was the first walk after the anaesthesia begins to wear off. I mentally prepare myself for it and to be honest it wasn't as bad as I heard it being described. It eventually became the least of my worries.

So here are the things that no one told me to expect after c section;

  1. Immediate Bleeding:  I had enjoyed 9 months of no menstrual cycle and being that I didn't have a virginal birth I didn't expect that I'll see blood immediately. I was absolutely irritated at the maxi pads and the fact that in addition to all the things that I had to deal with her, blood had to now be on the list.
  2. Itching around the site; After the surgery, I had itching and I didn’t expect it. The healing process has already started and it should be expected. What shocked me was the fact that someone who had done a c-section was with me and she had blisters when she scratched the site. I never knew there was a risk of having blisters.  
  3. So hard to use the toilet: I didn’t anticipate this one at all. Since you couldn’t “groan” out the dump, you were left at it’s mercy or come back another time.
  4. Pain: Getting out of bed for the first week had to be calculative. Sit in a certain manner, stand up in a strategic manner, lie down gently. You feel pain all over your body, pain from breastfeeding, from walking, back pain from the epidural (I had back pain for almost a year after the surgery)

Here are a list of things that can help;

  • Alcohol wipe whenever you experience itching.
  • Disposable panties and maternity pads for the bleeding. You just dispose everything. You don’t have to worry about washing your panties.
  • Use your pain meds - Now you still have to take drugs since you were supposed to be free from prenatal vitamins but you need it to help manage the pain.
  • Accept help: Let people around you help you. Don’t be superwoman.
  • Don’t lift anything heavier than your baby
  • Take lots of fruits and water to ease your metabolism

You might have stumbled on this because you are looking for encouragement after or before your c-section. Just be positive, be calm and know that you will be fine.

Did you have a c-section, please share with us what you didn't expect about healing? and your one biggest surprise about the whole experience.