Since we have been homeschooling, I have never really put our outings in our budget. I just get the money I need for each outing or look for a cheap place to go to. Our outings have become so important to us in our homeschooling journey that I decided that I would make a proper plan for it this year and we have done just that. 

I plan to spend 20,000 every month on our outing and 24,000 on transport because I currently don't have a car. How did I come up with this figure? We go to an average of 2 places per week, so that is 8 places in a month.  For kids to enter a place is either free or 2,500 on average. So, I plan for more places that are free like 6/8, and 2 places where they spend like 2k+/child. 

So, this is a worst-case scenario but ideally, it shouldn't go past this. With this in mind let's look at how much we spent in January on outings (We started 3rd week in January) 

Week 1: We went to National Museum & Freedom Park 

Transport to Freedom Park: N2,100 

Freedom Park to Museum: N500

Museum - Supermarket: N1,600

Supermarket - Home: N700

Food: N3,200

Ticket: N1000 (Freedom Park - 2 Adults) 

N1,200 (Museum - 2 adults 1 child)

Ice-cream: N500

Fish Food at Freedom Park: N1,000

Total = N12,600 

When I was doing the breakdown I quickly saw where I goofed, I went and bought food outside that day but it was our first outing of the year so we took the plunge. 

Week 2: We went to Bubbles Play Kingdom and Landmark Beach 

Bubbles Play Kingdom

Transport to Palms: N1,800 

Palms to Home: N1,400 

Ticket at Bubbles Play kingdom: N2,500 (Child)

N1,000 (Adult) 

N1,000 (Socks)

Landmark Beach 

Transport to Landmark: N1,400 

Transport to Home: N1,400 

Ticket: N4,000 (2 adults) 

Total for week 2: N14,000 

January Total:  N27,100 

Budgeted: N 44,000 

Actual: N27,100 

Which is absolutely not bad.  We will look out for February since we have a full month. 

Do you budget your children's outings?