For about 2 years now, I've been in a limbo as to how to go about blogging. My account has been growing and that made me so anxious. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for the growth but growth comes with exposure. I don't mind a little more people greeting me but you see my kids.... They didn't sign up for it you know? When people started calling them "Cuddles" in real life is when I knew it was real.
Like, how much is too much for me to share for strangers to not feel like they know my kids?
I wish I could wave a magic wand for people to know how to draw the line and not act like they know my kids in public because of their mother. You know? Instead of just calling their names, ask like you just met them because in reality you just met them. Don't leave the child confused as to why "this person is so excited to see me, I don't even know them"
It's been a hard hurdle to cross and it made me draw into my shell. I know that was not the basis for my blog in the first place.
It's a place of authenticity, vulnerability and truth about my motherhood journey and how can I share my motherhood journey without oversharing details about my children's lives? That's been where I don't know how to balance it but I will try again.
I still share about our Homeschool and while that is impactful, I still want to write for the me in motherhood, me that doesn't have friends that they text all the time about what's happening on their journey, me that still relies on Google, me that feels like it's a burden to ask people for anything. I want to still write for her, let her know she's not alone and I'm just trying to find a balance.
One thing I've kept up though, is my blog goals. I have documented my journey of growing my blog income and I took some time to review my goals for last year. If I tell you that this year was the easiest to review why?
Lol. I didn't set any goals.
See I was TIRED!!! Mentally, physically and emotionally. I think it's because I had a baby and I still went went went, I was drowning in anxiety and I just wanted it to be over and it was rest that finally did it for me.
I still made some money. I never in my wildest dream thought that it was possible. I even predicted that in my yearly post and I am grateful for it and it showed me that anything is possible.
This was what I wrote last year, let's see how I did;
I am not traveling with the kids this year (except I get a sponsorship)I didn't travel to anywhere, I didn't get any sponsorship.I am not paying for any course or product to help me "grow" and definitely no more ads class.I paid o, I paid but I didn't do any Facebook ads class. Hallelujah!I am not pursuing any ambition for this business.Honestly didn't and I am glad.I will do whatever I want to do at my pace in terms of products and webinars that I really want to create.I created one product and did 2 Webinars.Above all trusting God with everything.Leaned on him totally
What was I able to achieve this year,
- Instagram grew to 18k Followers
- I was interviewed by BBC News for the 2nd time in my career.
- I was on the radio 3 times
- Interviewed by Ikeja Records & Lagos Mums
- Spoke at 6 events
- Trademarked my business
- Grew our community to 100+ people
- Add 3 more products
This year, I want to set some goals only to keep me motivated but I don't want to set goals that will make me anxious and draw me back to the place of "hustling". I will work hard but that hustling mindset, phew! I don't want it again.
What are my goals?
- Have 1 post that is more vulnerable every month.
- Visit and review 50 - 60 places with the kids
- Increase my revenue by marketing the products we already have.
- Grow my Instagram to 20k - 25k
- Organize Homeschooling Conversations
- Work with 5 major brands within my niche
If you would like to work with me this year, either to review your product, advertise your product to my audience, review your kid's play place or your family-friendly country, etc. please send an email to with the subject "Request for Media Kit"
I like the way you write. You wrote just the way you talk and all the funny sides to it. Well done with your blog🙌🏽👍🏽
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for sharing. To be honest, Every year when I see this update, I start a blog and then give up. While I love that your blog does not have aby busy ads (you those ones that google places there for you), I'm wondering why you are not doing it. Can you share please